Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Days 3,4 and 5 sea days

The weather gradully became rougher, and one felt a bit like the drunken sailor, staggering along corridors and across dining rooms. My sea bands worked very well, however and I didn't feel even queasy.

During this time, Keith went and had a massage with the same strong young lady I had, although he didn't have the facial - she gave him a longer massage. He felt better for it, but it soon wears off, unfortunately. We also attended a destination talk, but the speaker was a disappointment, and we felt sadly let down, as we knew no more at the end than we had at the beginning! There were plenty of things to do, actually, like bingo, line dancing and tap dancing classes, jewellery, napkin folding, but none of them really inspired either of us. We were enjoying being busy doing nothing.

Our Captain gave us regular updates on the weather, as he was monitoring it very carefully, and had bad news, regarding Lisbon, our first port of call. There is, apparently, a sand bar across the entrance to the port, and the Captain was not prepared to risk his pretty ship, and of course the passengers, by trying to cross it in bad weather. This meant that instead of visiting Lisbon, we had an extra sea day, sadly. We had brought a lot of books to read, and I  had my sewing, but found the extra day doing little just a bit wearing, although Keith went to the shows most evenings, and I had my usual "feet up" rest after my strenuous day!

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