Sunday 13 March 2011

Day 9 Pisa

This is a photo showing the layout of the three main buildings in Pisa, well, the ones we tourists are interested in, anyway. To the left is the 11th century Baptistry, in the middle the Cathedral de Santa Maria del Flores, and to the right, to give it the correct title, the Bell Tower.

The Baptistry, separate from the Cathedral. The guide told us "Everything in Pisa leans sideways". This tilts less than some. There are mosaics inside, but no time to see them.

The Cathedral would lean too, as the ground underneath is very soft, if the builders had not added extra to the layers between the marble. See the black layers between the white - they are narrower on the right side of the doors!

Decoration between and over the doors.

Inside the cupola of the Cathedral. I thought this looked rather Byzantine in style.

And just to prove the Bell Tower leans... (What's he doing there?)

Like I said, everything leans!

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