Sunday, 13 March 2011

Day 10, Rome, (please read day 9 Pisa first!)

I was really looking forward to today - Rome is a bit special - I apologise for the quality of the photos, as many were taken through the coach window, as we did the whistle stop tour! Also, mostly I can't name any of the sights we saw, apart from one! It was a fairly short tour, but took in the main sites, and sights, and we instantly decided that we wanted to go back to rome for a much longer stay. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, I think.

The Coliseum is way bigger than expected - it is huge!

The Romans don't park their cars - they abandon them, three deep in some places!

The Vatican and the space in front of it, usually seen filled with people at Easter and Christmas
The space is actually bigger than the picture appears to show - there are two portico'd wings either side, as if hugging the space.

And 'cos I loves him...

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